Drop Off/Pick Up
PLEASE, DO NOT DROP OFF YOUR KIDS BEFORE 9:05am. We cannot have students in the building before that time.
For students who walk to school or are brought by their families, students will enter at the main entrance. Detailed drop off directions are on the attached map.
If you are bringing your student to school, we are using a two-lane approach. We will funnel you into 2 lanes. Please follow the directions and pull up as far as you can, and then leave from the appropriate lane.
For students riding on a school bus, the bus will arrive on Blaisdell Ave and students will enter the school through the lunchroom doors, as directed by staff.
Please make sure your student knows how they are getting home. Especially if the way they are going home is different from the way they came to school. If you need to make any changes, or you think your student may be confused, please call the office to clarify no later than 12:00pm. We would rather have too much information than not enough.
Families should pick up students in the back parking lot. For now we will be doing parent pick-up out of the lunchroom and gym. Due to release times at each grade level, it will work best if families come at the appropriate time as follows:
Kínder at 3:50pm,
1st grade at 3:55pm,
2nd grade at 4:00 pm
3rd-5th at 4:05 pm.
Parents of students in 3-5 grade can park on Blaisdell Ave after 4:00pm and come to the Gym door to pick up their students. Families that have students in both groups will meet their students at the lunchroom.
Students riding the bus at the end of the day will exit from doors on the east side of the building and the bus will pick them up on Blaisdell Ave.
**It is important that you let your teacher know by 12:00 if your normal dismissal plan is changing for the day.
Families will not be able to enter the school with their students and should avoid congregating near the drop-off and pick-up locations.